Löhe – Aphorisms on the New Testament Offices and their Relationship to the Congregation

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by Johann Konrad Wilhelm Löhe translated by Rev. Dr. John Stephenson Registrar & Professor of Historical Theology Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontario

Over fifteen years ago, Repristination Press began its work of publishing the works of our Lutheran forefathers with a reprint of Löhe’s (or Loehe’s) Liturgy for Christian Congregations of the Lutheran Faith (selected portions of the third edition of Loehe’s Agende, which had originally been published in 1902. In connection with our 15th anniversary, Repristination Press published an English translation of Loehe’s 1849 Aphorisms.

The 1849 and 1851 Aphorisms constitute Löhe’s two most significant detailed studies on the Office of the Holy Ministry. Dr. Stephenson’s translation is the first English edition of 1849 Aphorisms.

Löhe’s substantial involvement in ministry and mission in the North America (including founding Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne, and providing support for American missions) highlight the importance of his thought for confessional Lutherans. One need not agree with all of Löhe’s conclusions to acknowledge the importance of his role in supporting confessional Lutheran theology and practice in America and around the world.

Dr. John Stephenson’s excellent translation of this important text was carried out from the original edition, including Löhe’s footnotes from the original edition, and additional endnotes by the translator.

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